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The Student News Site of Loyola University Maryland

The Greyhound

The Greyhound

The Student News Site of Loyola University Maryland

The Greyhound

Martin O’Malley: Right decision for political career?

Danny Mooney April 14, 2015

  Martin O’Malley, the former of governor of Maryland, was faced with a difficult decision last month when the unexpected happened: legendary Senator Barbara Mikulski announced her retirement from...

Gun control on college campuses, do we need a change?

Gun control on college campuses, do we need a change?

Danny Mooney March 13, 2015

As you walk through campus, the thought of encountering someone carrying a gun is most likely not on your mind. At the forefront of political debates throughout the country, gun control is, and has been...

The empty controversy of American Sniper

The empty controversy of American Sniper

Danny Mooney January 28, 2015

"Hero" (noun): a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. The word has been used for decades to describe everyone from Medal of Honor recipients to everyday...

Why inflating music prices might be dissuading consumers

Why inflating music prices might be dissuading consumers

Danny Mooney November 18, 2014

When’s the last time you dipped into your bank account to download music? My guess is at least a few years. I know that I haven’t paid for a song on iTunes, or any other music site, since my last year...

Why Uber is the best new thing in transportation

Danny Mooney November 4, 2014

Go ahead and ask someone on campus what he or she would do if they were stuck at Craig’s. I can bet that the answer probably involves Uber. For those who haven’t heard about the rising sensation, Uber...

Apple gouging its customers with absurd prices

Danny Mooney October 28, 2014

It’s very possible that you just put your iPhone down to read this article. On college campuses and in the general public, one can look around and most likely see an over-abundance of iPhones. There...

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