This summer, the Loyola Community and the entire world heard President Trump’s terrifying statements attempting to shatter the Baltimore community, loud and clear: Baltimore is a “disgusting, rat infested mess.”
In response to Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-MD, who openly criticized the conditions of facilities detaining immigrants at the U.S. Mexico border, President Trump insulted his hometown of Baltimore via his Twitter page, commenting on the dismal conditions of the city and even stated in a public interview in late -July that the residents of Baltimore are “living in hell…they’re largely African-American…and they really appreciate what I’m doing, and they let me know it.”
Yes, you read that right. The President of the United States of America tore down the community of an American city purely to mask his blind racism in the face of his administration’s critics.
This shook the core of the Baltimore community—many of whom are members of this community through Loyola. Programs through CCSJ and Campus Ministry strive to rebuild a community already torn apart through historic racism and systematic oppression, and to build relationships between Loyola and all of its surrounding neighbors.
The words of former presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy had lasting impacts with each speech and interview they gave, while this President uses Twitter as opposed to pen and paper; regardless, the effects of these examples on Americans everywhere are no different from one another.
It is easy for this president to completely destroy the work that institutions such as Loyola do to uplift the communities that surround it. President Trump does this often, tweeting offensive statements about those who oppose him and changing the course of the American future in his international policies, arguably for the worse.
This destruction cannot be upheld; this cannot spread through communities and inspire hate between people of different backgrounds, race, gender, and socio-economic status. This destruction cannot separate groups who have worked hard to come together through shared desire to create a better environment for all involved. This destruction is not reflective of America at its core and the America we see at Loyola.
Loyola’s America is inclusive. Loyola’s America is here for those who need support. Loyola’s America is here to be the rock for so many who interact with our campus and come here seeking a community.
As a response to President Trump’s tweets about how horrid Baltimore’s conditions are and in response to his blatant, divisive, and consistent racism, the Opinions section of the Greyhound will be highlighting efforts on Loyola’s campus to create inclusive communities both on and off campus, throughout our favorite coffee shops and in our cherished study spaces. We’re documenting the fight against division on campus and the journey toward a healed community.
Stay tuned to explore the ways Loyola is making the world a better place.
Greyhound Opinions • Sep 11, 2019 at 5:17 pm