Adam David Burgan, a Loyola Campus Police Officer and a volunteer at the Middle River Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company was arrested and charged with possesion of child pornography by Police in Baltimore County last Wednesday, Sept. 27.
He is being charged with three counts of possession of child pornography and has since been released on a $10,000 bond, and is set to appear in Baltimore County District Court on Dec. 4.
The arrest was first reported last evening by Baltimore ABC 2 News, and an ABC 2 News van was present on Loyola’s campus Monday night at the time the story broke, presumably looking for comment.
Burgan is on administrative suspension at the Middle River Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company due to the charges, but his status with Loyola Campus Police is currently unknown.
When asked, Loyola’s Office of Public Safety, and Campus Police had no comment, due to the sensitivity of the situation.
However, when the Office of Marketing and Communications was reached for a statement, Associate Director of Media and Public Relations at Loyola Ashleigh Aldridge noted that “Adam Burgan is not an employee of Loyola University Maryland.”
Burgan’s exact status at this point is unclear and unconfirmed by the University, however the fact remains clear that Burgan is indeed affiliated with Loyola Campus Police as evidenced by student eyewitnesses, photos, and an online public profile.
“It’s common knowledge around campus that he works here, he was seen as late as this weekend,” said Michael Comer ’18.
Sarah Arrigo ’18 also confirmed the presence of Burgan on campus early on Sept. 30 in Rahner Village, when he reportedly responded to a silent alarm after Arrigo and her roommates “accidentally left their door ajar.” Arrigo added that it “seems shady” students haven’t been told about the situation and “they [the University] should just inform us, we deserve to know.”
A Google search for “Adam Burgan Loyola” yielded results of a public profile listing Burgan as a Public Safety Police Officer with Loyola University Maryland.

There are other student eyewitness reports of Burgan in a Campus Police uniform on bike last week, and in a Campus Police vehicle patrolling campus.
The Greyhound’s News Editor Emma Hagedoorn confirms the identity of Burgan from an interview she conducted with him in the spring of last year.

To further confirm Loyola students familiarity with Burgan, David Foley ’18 was selected randomly and sent a picture of Burgan’s face asking who he was. Foley responded that the man in the picture “was a LoPo guy” And that “he works here”.
When additionally asked to clarify the point of Burgan’s affiliation with the University, the Office of Marketing and Communications insisted he was not an employee and that “The University has no further comment.”
With the University’s statement that Burgan is not an employee, his ongoing relationship with the University remains unclear.
This is a developing story and updates will be published as The Greyhound receives them.
Anonymous • Dec 28, 2017 at 7:54 am
Deborah Ope • Oct 4, 2017 at 10:43 am
Danny • Oct 3, 2017 at 11:19 pm
We deserve to know the truth!!!!!!
Anonymous • Oct 3, 2017 at 7:56 pm
Anonymous • Oct 3, 2017 at 7:32 pm
Anonymous • Oct 3, 2017 at 5:43 pm
Nicholas Cirone • Oct 3, 2017 at 5:37 pm