On August 28, Netflix released its newest original series, “Narcos,” centered on the battle between the Medellín Cartel of Columbia and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents of the United States. This first season is comprised of 10 episodes and is generally based on true events from the 1970s and 1980s. The episodes are told from the point of view of American DEA agent Steve Murphy (Boyd Holbrook), who has relocated to Columbia along with his wife Connie (Joanna Christie) to go after the Medellín Cartel who are responsible for exporting cocaine to the United States. Murphy, along with his partner Javier Pena (Pedro Pascal), work to take down the man in charge, Pablo Escobar (Wagner Moura), as well as the other drug lords, but run into many roadblocks along the way.
The agents are faced with a number of challenges in trying to take down the cartel and no event goes down smoothly. The Columbian government and citizens struggle with allowing the agents to come into their country and take control of the crimes. Meanwhile, the drug war makes its way into the street,s and quickly civilians and the whole country become a part of the dangers of the Medellín Cartel. Murphy and Pena work tirelessly to bring justice through the form of extradition in which they would be convicted and jailed in the United States rather than Columbia.
With crime, drama and suspense compact into every single episode, the audience is kept on its toes watching to see what will happen next. These fast-paced episodes that end in cliffhangers have jolted “Narcos” into becoming a top Netflix show. Such outstanding reception prompted Netflix to renew the series for a second season; less than a week after its premiere, which is the fastest Netflix has ever renewed a show. If you are interested in a gripping drama that is both entertaining and suspenseful, then “Narcos” is definitely the show for you!