1. Michael Scott
Michael Scott is an infamous character in the world of television. Even if you’ve never seen the hit TV show “The Office,” I’m sure you still have an idea of Michael Scott’s wild personality . It’s hard not to love him, from his dramatic passion for life to his sentences that make absolutely no sense.. I think the best part about Michael is that even though he is offensive, rude, and has no social skills, he cares so much about his office “family,” which truly warms your heart.
2. Jim’s Facial Expressions
Jim is the apple of my eye, and the boy that every girl definitely wants to date. He is sweet, cute, and his facial expressions are hilarious. With so much craziness going on throughout the show, it’s nice to see a look of shock or confusion pop up on Jim’s face every once in awhile, and it’ll make you laugh every time.
3. Jim’s Love For Pam

Now for one of TV’s best couples: Jim and Pam. Can we talk about their wedding? This episode is definitely one of the best to ever air. There’s a dance contest, a flash dance, a hospital run, and a one-night stand that includes another office worker. But with all of these impressive scenes, the most memorable one in my opinion will always be when Jim says directly to the audience, “I bought those boat tickets the day I saw that YouTube video. I knew we’d need a back up plan. The boat was actually Plan C. The church was Plan B. And Plan A was marrying her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her.” *Cue the sobbing tears from a bursting heart.*
4. The Interviews
This was a great idea incorporated into the show – everyone is interviewed several times
throughout each episode (like a reality TV confessional), and everyone’s outside commentary is an added laugh. This way, viewers can see what each character is really thinking. I particularly like when Dwight is interviewed and shares his master plans of destruction.
5. When Dwight “Protects” Everyone
Dwight is basically a ninja and I love it. He has weapons I haven’t even heard of and he always tried to use them for the good of others. For example, when he sets the office on fire to prepare the group for emergencies, which only leads to disaster and Stanley’s famous heart attack.
6. The pranks
The pranks that are pulled in “The Office” are always outrageous. I’m not sure how anyone could think of some of the things Jim and Dwight do to each other; they are the perfect combination of funny and ridiculous. Better yet, their witty banter will make you laugh until your sides hurt.
7. Conference Room Time
Michael will often say, “Conference room in five,” and you should be slightly scared because there is no predicting what will happen next. Whatever comes out of this room might make you laugh, cry or even both.
8. The Andy and Erin Saga
Andy and Erin are another pair of beloved characters, both of which are adorable, awkward, and perfect. And this relationship was also worth the wait because they are so right for each other.
9. Office Parties

Unfortunately, I don’t think any of us will ever be able to experience a company party like the ones in “The Office.” These bashes get rowdy when office members drink and act outrageously as always.
10. The Banker: Season 6, Episode 14
This episode is so great because it highlights all of the madness that goes on in “The Office.” This is when an investor comes to visit Dunder Mifflin and check out the property. He interviews Toby, the HR representative, to see if there are any safety hazards, destructions of property, sexual harassment cases, etc. Toby has hilarious flashbacks of all of the insane things that have happened over the years in the office, but he simply replies, “I don’t think so,” showing his love for everyone he works with.
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