1) Movie Marathon
Grab your friends and have each person pick a movie to watch! You will have to dedicate a whole day to this and everyone should bring something to eat for a free snack potluck.
2) Check out a Museum
There are so many great museums in Baltimore that many students overlook. Here are a few options that are free and well

worth the visit : Baltimore Museum of Art, The Walters Art Museum, The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum and the USS Constellation.
3) Bake or Cook
Grab what’s in your fridge and get creative! Pretend you’re a little kid again on your very own cooking show. Disclaimer: You may need to steal from your roomies for ingredients. –
4) Meet Your Neighbors
Every year we wonder whom we’ll be living near — Will they be cute? Funny? Loud? Well, now’s your chance to find out! Lets throw it back to freshman year when we found some of our very best friends next door.
5) Write a Letter
Being a college student is hectic and we can sometimes forget about our loved ones back home. Take this time to write one of them a letter. They will definitely appreciate it and you will have the great feeling of making someone’s day.

6) Make Your Christmas List
Before we know it, the holiday season will be here. Take some time to create a list of presents you want for yourself or what you want to buy for others.
Bonus: shopping early will save you money!
7) Loyola Bucket List
Being a senior has brought the scary fate of graduation to the top of my mind. In a few short months, I will be leaving Baltimore and there are still so many things I want to do on campus. So, take it from a girl who knows and start your bucket list now!
8) Tour Baltimore
While making that bucket list throw in some neighborhoods and attractions you would like to see before you leave. Then go out and see them! Ask her to add in a few neighborhoods and sights to see there****
9) Have a Slumber Party

We like to think we see our friends enough but what’s better than a good old fashion sleep over? Remember how much fun they were? The laughs, pranks, gossip… ugh! To be young again.
10) Clean out your Closet
This is a big one. It can be daunting because students tend to have a lot of stuff, but in the end you will feel like a new person. And if you consign your clothes, you can take that money to go buy more!
Feature Image: Don Mason Photo, Courtesy of Flickr URL