The new show, Royals, on E! has started out with a bang. This drama, set in modern day London, is about a fictional British Royal Family filled with secrets and gossip. The characters struggle between being able to fulfill all of their cravings while attempting to maintain the monarchy’s image. Every character is tied up in scandal from Queen Helena and her secret lover to Princess Eleanor, who can’t seem to escape trouble wherever she goes. All of this danger and desire leaves viewers begging for more.
Queen Helena played by Elizabeth Hurley
The Queen certainly knows how to get what she wants and loves the power that comes with her title. She keeps the Princess in line by hiring PR specialists to cover her social media and guides her son’s relationships through threats and manipulation. She will do anything to keep the monarchy alive because she loves being Queen, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if it were abolished… Viewers were recently introduced to the Queen’s lover. Their passion has been covered up by her marriage to the King. Although the love affair has been a secret for some time, it’s hard to hide anything that goes on in the castle. Let’s just say there is trouble on the horizon.
King Simon played by Vincent Regan
King Simon just tries to do right by his family, his staff, and his country. There is a lot of responsibility resting on his strong, kind shoulders and his family doesn’t seem to want to make it any easier for him. As his oldest son just died in battle, he tries to console his wife and children whom do not follow his guidance. He struggles over the idea of abolishing the monarchy and providing a normal life for his family, although it seems that he is the only one who supports this idea. The viewer’s hearts go out to a good-hearted man surrounded by corruption and a disloyal wife.
Prince Cyrus played by Jake Maskall
Every story needs a villain and Prince Cyrus couldn’t be more evil. From attempting to kill his brother, The King, on multiple occasions, to sexually assaulting the maids, he never fails to make viewer’s stomachs turn in disgust. His secret planning to take over the monarchy while dabbling in numerous drugs does not give him many fans. Hopefully he will be brought to justice soon…but, that is doubtful.
Ophelia played by Merritt Patterson
Picture Ophelia as the fictional “Kate Middleton.” She is a beautiful girl from America who falls in love with Prince Liam. Herdad is head of security for the royals, allowing Ophelia to live in the castle. Her new love affair with Prince Liam has already been a roller coaster within the few episodes that have aired, and leaves viewers questioning what will happen next. Ophelia just wants to be the girl who lives in a modern day fairy tale and she is determined to have that fairytale come true with the boy she loves.
Prince Liam played by William Moseley
Prince Liam or Prince Charming? Prince Liam has definitely captured hearts through his sometimes corny yet heart throbbing charm and good looks. He is a handsome man trying to figure out how to manage his new responsibilities as Prince since the death of his brother. Now that he is next in line for the thrown, there is a lot of pressure to clean up his party boy image and be respected by the people of England. On top of all of that, he has a very messy love life. His ex-girlfriend, hungry for the crown, is popping up around every corner trying to dismay the Prince from Ophelia. It seems that the prince can never be happy for long.
Princess Eleanor played by Alexandra Park
This girl lives and dies by doing whatever she wants. She is never seen without a bottle of alcohol or a man in her bed. She has been cast with many troubles; from her mother’s disapproval and lack of love, blackmail from her suspicious security guard and loving a man she can never have to dealing with the death of her brother…and the list goes on and on. The Princess’s attitude towards life can be terrifying and thrilling all at the same time. Viewers either want to be her or at least get to have a fun night out with her. This party girl never disappoints.
Needless to say, if you haven’t started watching Royals you need to. This show filled with drama, love and excitement will make your Sunday nights that much better.