The terrifying sequel to the 2022 horror blockbuster, “Smile 2” dives further into the psychological horrors that lie beneath the surface of daily existence. The sequel, which was directed by Parker Finn, explores how trauma and dread can take over a person’s reality while returning to the unsettling idea of the first film with a new and terrifying twist.
“Smile 2” develops upon the original movie’s great psychological dread formula, but it does more than just use jump scares. It develops into a complex story that pulls together themes of guilt, perception, and the enduring nature of past trauma.
The main focus is on the protégé of Dr. Rose Cotter, who is now involved in a number of odd, unexplained deaths that are marked by the same uncanny grins that plagued Rose. The new protagonist, Skye Riley, who is a worldwide pop star sensation, tackles her own anxieties and unresolved guilt as they explore the source of the evil energy.
“Smile 2” is dedicated to showing how trauma is a constant, nagging presence that may change reality itself rather than only being a brief shock is what makes it so interesting.
According to Jenn Adams, writer, podcaster and film critic from Nashville, Smile is a grim reminder that overcoming mental illness is an arduous process—one that we might not survive.
“Smile 2” may put a shiny, pop filter over addiction and recovery, but its message still hits just as hard,” Adams commented on a website about the movie.
Visually, “Smile 2” makes extremely good use of unsettling and hard to watch imagery. Even the simplest of scenes are packed with tension, leaving the viewer on the edge of their seat, not knowing when that jump scare is going to come.
The cinematography captures quick glances and dark shadowy corners where viewers want to do a double take, but are also too scared too. The result leaves the audience questioning themselves constantly.
“‘Smile 2’ is a rollercoaster of emotions that has you questioning everything you thought you knew, and just when you think you have it figured out the twists hit hard”, Curtis Wagner ‘26 said.
The vast majority of reviews about “Smile 2” have been positive. Some viewers criticized the movie’s length. Others said it was essentially the same as the original Smile.
“‘Smile 2’ is an amazing thriller that kept me at the edge of my seat, but I must admit I expected something a little different,” Katelyn Boylan ‘26 said.
During “Smile 2,” the characters are developed in a way that reveals their deepest fears and struggles as they face a terrifying curse. Instead of only using horror scenes, the movie dives into each character’s past and shows how their trauma shapes who they are. As they try to survive, we see their weaknesses and moments of growth, which makes their journey feel real and emotional.
“The unexpected twists and strong character development makes this sequel a must watch,” Jake Mayer ‘25 said.
The end of “Smile 2” leaves viewers with a sense of excitement that will definitely end up with a third movie in the series. How the director plays it out will all be up for interpretation.
I think “Smile 2” brilliantly portrays how insanity can slowly creep up on you and cause someone an extreme amount of trouble in their personal life. “Smile 2” combined the horror with the gory and bloody scenes, leaving fans wondering, what will the combination and point of view be for “Smile 3?”
In my opinion, “Smile 2” gets an A- grade. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the movie with all the twists and scares it had to offer, and I am looking forward to a potential “Smile 3” as the ending sets up a perfect transition.