The Americans With Disabilities Act, signed in 1990, was the first major step in dealing with the ever present concern of the opportunities and livelihood of those physically or mentally handicapped citizens present in the United States. While the act has resolved certain issues over time, many disabled citizens still face unnecessary disadvantages to their opportunities, both economic and social. It is likely that the most significant reason for a lack of initiative to amend this issue is due to a simple lack of education about the problem. The upcoming Awareness Event for persons with developmental disabilities will shed light on difficulties faced by millions of Americans. In 2011, approximately 32.9% of the adult United States population suffered from at least one type of disability. While the form and effect varied greatly, it is quite clear that even today, disabilities affect almost a third of the adult population. While there are many solutions to this problem, with many issues to address, the most significant step a citizen can make in this event is to truly understand the problem and the debate. Readers should seriously consider attending the Awareness Event for persons with developmental disabilities.
It is unlikely that the general public simply does not care about those less fortunate then themselves. While there have been many debates throughout the past of the United States, the people have generally decided that ours is a relatively compassionate country, and are willing to pay money to provide for those of us who have either been born, or became, disabled. That being said, certain citizens of every country do have a tendency to turn a blind eye to certain issues when they do not directly affect them, (it’s worth mentioning that while reform in compensating the disabled may not affect you currently, the possibility for future personal need of it may arise) while exaggerating the importance of others of which they are largely associated with. The result is the current hyper charged lobbyism present in today’s political atmosphere, and while there are a number of activists supporting and demanding further gains be made for disabled citizens, they often lack significant monetary backing or the potential support of politicians’ constituents, the two most compelling factors for modern legislation and policy changes. It is quite likely that if more people were informed about the issue, it could be resolved, quickly and efficiently, and allow more opportunities to be present for a larger working population.
Being informed about the issue is the most reliable method to avoid this situation. There are many in today’s society who claim they want to “get involved” but being involved to truly make a difference involves more than just hanging up posters or writing an opinion about the problem. To truly advocate change, one must first understand the problem, then understand what must be done, then decide how to best approach getting the solutions through the necessary legislative, judiciary, and social channels, and finally, have the perseverance to follow through on these commitments. Quite a lot is involved to actually “get involved” in really social change. But before any actual measures can be taken by someone who is interested, the first line, that being learning and understanding, must be crossed.
Even if you do not have the time to devote to any particular cause, it is still important to understand this plight. Being informed about this issue not only ensures that it receive the attention it so deserves, but more so, ensures that when decisions are finally being made, what exactly needs to be done will be general knowledge, so popular oversight will be able to prevent minimal compensations be passed off as sweeping reform. A population that is not only aware of, but also educated on, both the broad scope and critical details of the problem will be much more likely to maintain the primary goal of the movement, and will only be satisfied when the solution sufficiently solves the issue. If not directly involved, you can still watch from afar, and be sure that if and when votes can be cast, you know what they are being cast for.
Disabilities affects millions of Americans, and while many throughout the country want to help, the first step must be understanding of the problem, both on a personal level, and on a national level. The upcoming Awareness Event is your opportunity to take an important step to understanding, and hopefully, solving this matter. The date of the Awareness event is currently scheduled for February 24th at 6:00 PM. Be sure to check your local campus flyers for details.