Hello and welcome back to listening to the EiC go over the ups and downs in the life of Loyola. All I can say about this past week is: that was weird. Let’s go over why:
Thumbs Down: WISD fire alarm. So, on Saturday we had Loyola’s annual WISD (Women In Sports Day), where women and girls from the area get together to celebrate female athletes! It was all going great. During halftime at the Loyola women’s basketball game against Army West Point, all the athletes and the girls get together on the court for a photo. Well, during halftime the fire alarm went out. So the entire gym got evacuated and everyone had to stand outside in the cold. We weren’t allowed in for an hour. Apparently a pipe burst in Boulder. Many of the girls had left after being outside, and once we were allowed back in, there were worries about the sprinklers, so capacity had to be low…a.k.a. no spectators were allowed to see the second half of the game–just staff. I am staff for athletics and even though we won (WOOT) it was so awkward. I felt like I was watching a practice game since there was no noise from fans. And, this is the first time something like this has happened. It was a real bummer and the poor athletes had to re-warm up. Crazy stuff, guys.
Thumbs Up: Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow. There you have it guys! According to a furry creature’s obvious knowledge of the climate, we are going to have an early spring this year! And with the weather warming up this week, maybe he is not so far off (for once).
Thumbs Down: Why on earth do we listen to a groundhog? The Greyhound editorial staff got in a pretty heated discussion (or roast) about how we have a whole day dedicated to seeing an animal crawl out of a hole and deciding if winter will prolong or spring will grace us with its presence based upon if the creature goes back into his hole right away or not. I mean…WHAT. I looked it up and this is based on an old German story, but really? This groundhog is 1. Like 30% correct 2. AN ANIMAL WHO CANNOT JUST PREDICT WEATHER AND THE FUTURE 3. Probably sick of us humans, like is this considered to even be okay? A mayor once dropped the famed groundhog AND HE DIED A WEEK LATER. (The groundhog, not the mayor.) We literally yell at it for it to come out. Okay, end rant about how humans are really weird.
Thumbs Up: Senior 100s. For seniors, they had 100s this past weekend where the theme was pop culture icons. I am not a senior, but according to the seniors on the editorial board, it was a good time. I mean, counting down how long have you until graduation with a party every couple weeks sounds like a blast to me, a lowly junior.
Thumbs Down: Apparently there is a Newman thief!? Someone on the board heard that there is a thief in Newman who is going into apartments that have an open door and stealing things. I am definitely guilty of leaving my door bolted in Newman because I’m lazy. Well, Newman residents beware! Not sure if this is even true or not, but always be cautious.
Thumbs Up: Warm Weather in our future. Remember how last week it was like 20 degrees outside? Well, this week we are supposed to get up to 60 degrees! I am very anti-cold, so this is a real thumbs up from me, especially because of the deadly wind bridge we have to walk across to get to campus.
Thumbs Down: The Super Bowl. Okay if you like the Pats, then I guess you are happy but as a whole, WHAT WAS THAT?! That was the most boring game I have ever watched in my life. It was the lowest scoring first half of the Super Bowl IN HISTORY, and actually, pretty sure it was the lowest scoring Super Bowl game ever. The halftime show was also “eh” to say the least. LOVED the Spongebob reference, but they should have rolled with it more by actually singing “Sweet Victory.” That would have made things 1000000% better. The commercials were alright, with some being funny, but some confusing. Why were a bunch of them so dark? Overall, LAME.
Thumbs Up: Greyhound meeting this week! With the activities fair this week, The Greyhound editorial board is excited to welcome some new members (hopefully). We look forward to seeing who signs up, and cannot wait for our meeting on Sunday, which will be an all staff meeting. We will go over all things The Greyhound, and it will be a great chance to meet the board as well as learn some things about what being a part of this great publication includes!
Well, that is all I have for now! See ya soon guys- stay warm, get outside, be awesome.