If you haven’t noticed, Loyola’s campus has looked a bit harrier than usual lately. Since the beginning of November many male students have begun to let their facial hair grow wild, most notably the upper lip region. “No Shave November” has become a popular fad across the country, with men holding friendly contests to see who can grow the thickest beard or most unique mustache. However, there is actually much more to this trend than simply men putting their razors down for a month, no shave November is a movement to address a major issue in our society; men’s health. On average, men’s life expectancy is five years shorter than women, although there is no biological reason for this a major contributor is the lack of awareness of men’s health issues. One in two men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, 11.8 percent of men over the age of 20 have diabetes, and four times as many males as females die from suicide. Possibly the most frightening statistic is men are 24 percent less likely to go to the doctor than women. Movember, the official global charity devoted to men’s health, is committed to creating awareness and raising funds for men’s health research.
This year, the Loyola Rugby Football Club has partnered with Movember to bring the movement to Loyola. “We decided to do Movember after some self-reflection that we are a very fortunate group of guys. We are blessed to have the ability to practice three days a week and play Rugby every Saturday for a great school,” said Loyola senior Omar Cardona, “It then hit us that we aren’t doing enough for others.”
The rugby team has participated in charitable events and community service activities for years on Loyola’s campus, including last year when they worked with the York Road Initiative. But the team felt that they could use their bodies in another way, other than throwing themselves at their opponents on the pitch. “Movember.com is a charitable organization dedicated to improving men’s health. It has been a growing cause on college campuses over the last few years and one that produces real results. We wanted to be a part of the Mo movement, Cardona said.”
So the teams collectively set down their razors for the month of November to stand up for men’s health. “It was a boost towards the end of a long, bruising season. Watching the first few whiskers grow on your friend’s face will always bring a couple laughs,” said Cardona. The team had set a goal of raising $300 dollars for the Movember foundation, but soon realized they set their sights too low. Now, the Rugby team is looking to triple that number.

The team soon saw that they were making a difference, not only spreading the word on campus but within their own ranks. “Anytime you can raise money for a great cause and look great doing so is a win-win situation. We also find it important to raise awareness for health issues that are often underreported,” said Cardona, “Many players have family members with these health problems and the Mo’s give us a way of fighting back.”
If you are able and would like to donate to the Movember cause click the link below and follow the directions to donate. And when you see one of your mustached brethren around campus, thank them and give them a high-five, on behalf of men everywhere.