Image courtesy of Flickr user zielinskiCreative
The Wild Feathers are definitely becoming one of those “bands to watch”—an amazingly talented group of five guys (four singer-songwriters and a drummer) from Nashville who are destined to be big. Their eponymous debut album dropped this past August and they’ve already toured with big names like Willie Nelson, ZZ Ward, and Needtobreathe, to name a few. Their heartfelt lyrics and piercing guitar riffs will please folk and rock fans alike: think Neil Young meets Kings of Leon.
On November 10th, I was fortunate enough to attend their show at the Ottobar in Baltimore. I’ve seen a large range of concerts in my life, from Jay Z to Kid Rock, so I went into this show with an open mind. I was able to interview Taylor Burns, a member of the band, before attending the show, which definitely made me even more excited to see them perform. The venue had a large crowd, ranging in age from teen to elderly (seriously!)
I was able to catch the opening act, Shelby Blondell. Shelby is an 18-year-old Maryland-based singer-songwriter. Her music had a familiar folky-pop vibe to it. I thought she was very talented, and my friend and I commented to each other numerous times how much we enjoyed her. She has a very strong voice and a commanding stage presence, and was an overall great start to the night.
Next up was the band Skribe from Annapolis, MD. The way the lead singer was dressed, I half-expected the band to burst into Sublime-influenced jams. When he opened his mouth, I was taken aback for sure. They performed folk rock songs with a little bit of country twang; one of the musicians was even playing an instrument that resembled a crossbow. They were definitely unique and enjoyable, but perhaps onstage a bit too long. During their set, everyone was getting anxious for The Wild Feathers to take the stage.
The Wild Feathers finally claimed the stage and gave an unforgettable performance. They immediately owned the stage, bursting into song and jamming out with one another, leaning into their guitars and throwing their heads down. It was easy to see these were guys who are truly passionate about their music. Seeing this band perform evokes feelings of going back in time to the 1970’s and watching your favorite band rock out at a local club.
The acoustics in Ottobar were great and The Wild Feathers’ music reverberated in my chest as my heart pumped along to their guitars and keyboard. Their lyrics are soulful and piercing, evoking feelings of nostalgia in their listeners. The crowd went wild for classic rock & roll anthems like “Backwoods Company,” “American,” and “I Can Have You.” Bittersweet songs like “Hard Times,” “Left My Woman,” and “If You Don’t Love Me” had the crowd chanting along in recognition of their meaningful lyrics. They played a number of cover songs by their own personal heroes, like “Hey Hey What Can I Do” by Led Zeppelin and “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere” by Bob Dylan. For their last song, they performed “The Ceiling,” undoubtedly the standout and most popular track off of their debut album. The crowd went wild.
After such a performance, the crowd just couldn’t bear for their set to be over and burst into chants of “one more song!” The Wild Feathers gladly took the stage once more for their loyal fans and burst into a cover of Tom Petty’s “Listen to Her Heart,” bringing down the house. The crowd cheered as the band left the stage for the final time, and I stared in awe. I had goosebumps.
Although I was only a recent Wild Feathers listener going into this concert, I came out a definite fan. The incredible and unfailing energy that The Wild Feathers had throughout the entire show also influenced the crowd as they swayed, jumped and clapped along the entire time. Seeing The Wild Feathers perform was an amazing experience that anyone who appreciates good music would absolutely enjoy. Their talent is obvious and their passion evident. After the performance, the band members came out to greet their fans, and I was able to say hello to a few of them. They were such cool, down to earth guys who were so grateful for their fans, shaking everyone’s hand and thanking them for attending.
If you’re a lover of rock & roll or just someone who appreciates real musical talent, check these guys out! They deserve it.