Along with the new additions made to Boulder and the newly created bookstore and mailroom, the library is also expected to have new updates. According to Director of the Library Barbara Preece, the seven-month construction plan has already begun and will continue until March.
“Briefly, [the renovation] involves replacing all the windows in the older sections of the library and refurbishing the outdoor terrace,” University Architect Jim Miller said. “However, there are many more additions and changes planning to be made as well.”
The library has had plans to renovate the terrace on the lower level for a while, and that renovation is now going to be completed. Before, one would have to walk through a staff member’s office to get to it, but now there is expected to be much more access. This change to the library will grant students the opportunity to have a workspace outside.
Some of the other work the library has to keep up with is the general maintenance, which has been deferred since its last renovation.
Additionally, the wall of windows on floors one through four will be replaced due to the water that gets on library archives and the large number of wasps that gets in through them. They plan to remove the windows by popping them off and replacing them immediately, so it will not affect students while they are working.
So far the construction as a whole has not affected students much, but the library has made it clear to construction workers that they must keep the noise level to a minimum when possible.
In order to complete this renovation, staff offices may be moved into rooms that are now used as group study rooms. Using social media, the library plans on letting students and faculty know what to expect throughout the renovation, such as which group student rooms will be closed. These study rooms, however, will be open at night for use.
The proposed renovation seeks to provide a more interactive workspace and also become a more accessible unit for students to do work.
Preece also wants to add more furniture to the library. This includes possibly placing a reading nook where the periodicals are currently, which is an addition Preece is excited about. Preece also wants to reconsider the current furniture placement and is looking to put them where they would be of greater use to students.
They also already have Makerspace, which allows 3D-style printing, and a Collaboratory, an active learning space which is designed to bring together personal technologies in the classroom Along with these additions, there is also a printing machine that can print on poster-board style paper.
Preece has already seen the Collaboratory already in action. “Two [students] were studying Spanish using the Apple TV. They talked about using an application and feeding it through the TV and another talked about using Moodle and displaying clips from their personal phone onto the TV,” she said.
Preece hopes that the new renovations will help the library better serve its students, and students are looking forward to the changes.
“Making the library more advantageous for students gives the space that is offered a greater chance to be utilized to its best,” Stephanie Lerner ’18 said.