Another week down the drain, and The Greyhound keeps on rolling with another edition of thumbs up and thumbs down!
Starting off on a good note, thumbs up to the weather beginning to cool down! Last week I mentioned that it seemed like the heat death of the universe began early, but thankfully I’ve been proven wrong as it actually dropped down to the high 50s a few days ago! I like the summer and heat as much as the next person, but its fall so let’s get some actual fall weather around, am I right? Soon going to be time to break out the sweaters and flannels!
Thumbs down, BIG THUMBS DOWN, to the new Tapingo delivery system, well more specifically the delivery for Starbucks. Our very own Opinions Editor Taylor Elton ’18 decided to try out the system for herself, ordering a simple bagel, with let’s say extremely lackluster results. Apparently the delivery comes from an outside delivery service, like with Order Up or GrubHub, and gets delivered by car—which frankly makes zero sense, since its coming from the Student Center. This poor, confused driver, who is unfamiliar with campus, first waited around Flannery for 10 minutes before calling Elton, who asked him to make his way over to The Greyhound office in Gardens, where Elton was waiting for her $1 bagel. It’s like the picture of inefficiency, not to mention it puts more hassle on the Starbucks workers for no reason. I don’t know who in their right mind would actually use this. Tapingo’s delivery service may work fine in the real world, but it just doesn’t work for Loyola. Honestly, I have I bike, I’ll be more than happy to ferry out grande iced mocha-frappacino-lattes with pumpkin spice and an extra shot of espresso around campus myself.
On the subject of food, thumbs down to Clark Burger, yes I said it, THE Clark Burger. Why might you ask am I giving a thumbs down to the beloved burger joint near Belvedere Square? Because I have received truly shocking reports that Clark Burger has shrunk their burgers. While unconfirmed by the editing board, these tips come from reliable sources (my friends) and if true, spell doom for our burger appetites as a whole. This is a crisis people, and we are determined to get to the bottom of this. Stay tuned for my future report, when I infiltrate the beloved burger joint and go undercover to dig out the truth.
Thumbs up to the amazing laser tag event that took place on the quad Saturday night, because from what I heard, the turnout was amazing and everyone had an absolute blast! People were running around, ducking behind trees and blow-up obstacles—even Saint Ignatius! Gift cards and t-shirts were given out to anyone who didn’t get tagged out in a round. Props to the RAs that planned it, and I hope there’s something else like that soon!
Thumbs down to what I’m going to call The Loyola Plague. That’s right folks cold and flu season is upon us, and it’s been hitting campus pretty hard. I’ve definitely noticed a lot of people getting sick or just generally not feeling well. So please people, remember that hand sanitizer is your friend.
And last but not least, thumbs up to the beginning of October and entrance into the fall season! To be completely honest we considered giving a thumbs down to this, since it seems like the semester is flying by already. But I overruled this based on the fact that October is the beginning of the Halloween season, which happens to be my favorite holiday. I look forward all year for Halloween, and you better believe I have my costumes planned well in advance. Some of my highlights from previous years include Marty McFly, a lumberjack, Charlie Brown, and of course the legendary Jimmy Buffett. So stay tuned to see how I’m going to make a fool of myself this year, and lets all start to get spooky!